What can you do to assist enhance the quality of storm water runoff? Learn how to reduce storm water contamination in your own home.
Maintenance Of The Lawn And The Disposal Of Yard Waste
When using insecticides and lawn fertilisers, be sure to follow the instructions on the label! More is not always better! Storm water runoff carries any additional quantities you apply, contaminating nearby rivers. Put a lid on the stacks of manure.
Get rid of your yard garbage the right way! It may either be bagged or mulched. Place or blow the trash away from streams and drains. Do not let it accumulate. When illegally disposed of, yard trash blocks storm drains. Storm water would not be able to drain correctly if the drainage system is obstructed. In addition, when it decomposes, it may have a negative influence on water quality by modifying the physical substrate and reducing the amount of dissolved oxygen. It is impossible for marine life to exist without dissolved oxygen, the amount of free oxygen in water that is not being chemically mixed. It is illegal to dump yard garbage directly into storm drains or waterways (ordinance 4538).
Relief Of Pet Waste And Trash From Inappropriate Disposal
Get rid of your garbage the right way! It’s a big deal to keep your garbage under control! Storm water drainage system & streams are clogged with trash. Waterbodies and the organisms that live in them are being severely harmed as a result of this buildup. It is illegal to dump rubbish directly into storm drains or waterways (ordinance 4538).
This is too important to let go of. Cigarette butts are most common kind of marine litter in the United States and the world’s seas, as you may have heard. In order to make it to the ocean, they must be tiny and readily transported by storm water runoff. They are also non-biodegradable. During the long period of time it takes for plastic acetate filters to breakdown, chemicals from cigarettes are progressively released. Animals may become sick from eating them, too. They are a huge blight on the landscape.
Dispose of animal waste in a proper manner! Unless an animal primarily consumes plants, the waste it produces is not considered manure. Dog and cat faeces is a major issue in the City. Perhaps you have only one dog. Because of the city’s enormous number of pets, pet waste has become a significant problem for stormwater management. Multiple forms of bacteria may be found in the excrement of pets. In faeces, E.Coli is a common yet dangerous germ to look for. Storm water drainage system & rivers take up germs from pet excrement. Fecal faeces contains microorganisms that may contaminate water. So, please clean up after your dog or other animal. When you’re out walking your dog, you must clean up after it.

Improper Disposal Of Chemicals, Fats, Oils And Grease
Keep an eye out for safe ways to store and dispose of chemicals. Vehicle maintenance fluids, washing supplies, and paint are just a few examples of common household chemicals. Paint cans, for example, are prone to corrosion and leakage. The issue is too late if you put it outdoors. So that spills are controlled, put them in a robust plastic-type bin When disposing of chemical items, do not flush them down the drain or flush them down a storm drainage system or into a creek or a river. Contaminating storm drains or other waterways by discharging these items is illegal.
Get rid of cooking oils and fats the right way (FOG). A domestic sink should never be used to dispose of these goods. The City’s sanitary sewage system and the pipes under your home are both plagued with FOG. A buildup of this FOG may cause pipes to get clogged over time, resulting in sewage spills into your neighbourhood, as well as nearby lakes, rivers and streams. Because it may infiltrate the city’s storm water drainage system, untreated sewage poses a health risk to nearby residents as well. The storm drainage system collects rainwater from the inlets and directs it to our local waterways and the Mississippi River. Fish as well as other aquatic life may be harmed by storm water that carries sewage.
Maintenance And Disposal Of Fluids
Keep an eye on your car’s health! Water runoff from roadways, parking lots, and roads carries leaking substances into nearby waterways. Contaminating storm drains or other waterways by discharging these items is illegal (ordinance 4538).
Car washes that dispose of their waste water in the sanitary sewage system or even on your lawn are preferable.
Improvements To Your Home
Storm water quality may be adversely affected by a wide range of home improvement projects. Reduce the amount of soil you dig if you’re building anything on the property. Ensure that all relevant permits are in order and that landscaping work is completed promptly. It really is one of the most polluting contaminants in the stream. Stormwater may readily carry soil, which has a diverse range of chemical characteristics. Changes waterways and harms aquatic habitats as a result.
Structures For Stormwater Management
A stormwater drainage structure may be located on the land of certain homeowners.
Avoid pouring anything down a storm drain at all costs! Storm water regulations exclude direct placement of anything but storm water into drainage system. Report any infractions to the City of Memphis Storm Water Department as soon as you see them.